The Wall of Gratitude
Celebrating Our Supporters
Here you'll find a list of people and organizations behind Song Flight - those who immediately understood that helping children connect, learn about, and heal from war through musical stories was a transformative idea. We thank each and every one of you for giving us wings.

Aleks Haecky
Aleks and I go back a long way. A gifted writer and big picture thinker, he loves stories and projects that do good in the world. His support as a friend, collaborator, and financial backer have been instrumental in making Song Flight happen.

Ginger Caldwell
Ginger has been there from day one of Song Flight, sharing ideas, helping proof documents, providing funds, and telling us again and again, "Never give up!"

Lynne Berrett
The founder of The Ageless Mind Project, Lynne is a dreamer of dreams, a connoisseur of words, and supporter of projects she believes will make the world a better place.

John Garzone
Smart, funny, and always up for a good mystery, John appreciates and supports good writing and good causes. He has been a friend, collaborator, and financial backer. You couldn't ask for more.

Anna Stoianova
An accomplished, award-winning musician and champion of kids, Anna has been a wonderful friend and supporter from the start.

E. Jean Carroll
Many know her as the wicked smart and irreverent author of "Ask E. Jean." But we know her as the champion of big ideas, lover of dogs, knitting, and all foods containing mayonnaise.

Gary Chin
Rasp, as his fans affectionately call him, is a superb singer/songwriter and technical wiz who performs in virtual space as a koala bear. This, he says, saves him a lot of money he'd otherwise spend on clothes, and endears him to his fans. Yes, Rasp has a slightly offbeat sense of humor, but oh how the man can sing.

Lucy Socha
Writer, poet, and upbeat friend, who believes in your ability to achieve your goals, Lucy has been a wonderful friend and supporter from the moment we met.

Jennifer Keen
There are people who just seem to "get" you wherever and however you meet. Jennifer is one who immediately understood Song Flight's mission and message, and asked, "How can I help?" I'm honored to have her in the our corner.

Oksana Levytska
Chair, International Education Coordinating Council, Ukrainian World Congress. Oksana is also an incomparable champion of children and Ukraine.

Iryna Perehinets
Vice-Principal of the Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School
Josyf Cardinal Slipyj Catholic School is the home of the first Song Flight program: https://www.tcdsb.org/o/josyfcardinalslipyjSchool

Brique Zeiner
Chairwoman of Live and Learn in Kenya International

Maria Popravka
Member of Odesa district council, head of press-center “Odesit.ua”
Maria has been an avid champion of Song Flight from day one. And, despite our language differences, continues to say, "I believe we can accomplish wonderful things together." Thank you Maria.
Марія Поправка, депутатка Одеської районної ради, директорка прес-центру «Одесит.юа»
Our Musicians
These incredible singers, songwriters, and performers are giving Song Fight a voice

Cylindrian Rutabaga
Yep, you heard it right! Our very own Grace Newton performs as the avatar Cylindrian Rutabaga in virtual spaces. And boy can she sing!

Kateryna Voroniuk
The very first musician to contribute a piece to Songs for Ukraine (Song Flight's parent project) Kateryna's work is powerful and moving. Her belief in the power of music and art to keep hope alive in Ukraine, made us believe Song Flight was possible.

Anna Stoianova
Our second Songs for Ukraine performance was given in Anna's honor and she has continued to be a driving force in Song Flight, helping us translate and spread the word. Thank you Anna!

Raspbury Rearwin
Rasp, as his fans affectionately call him, is a superb singer/songwriter and technical wiz who performs in virtual space as a koala bear. This, he says, saves him a lot of money he'd otherwise spend on clothes, and endears him to his fans. Yes, Rasp has a slightly offbeat sense of humor, but oh how the man can sing.

Max Kleene
Max has been lending his voice and spirit to the Songs for Ukraine project from the start. Thank you, Max!

Andrii Malinich
Many of you have seen my posts about Andril's work and enjoyed both his vocal and orchestral performances. Andril (or Andrey as we call him in English), is a true rockstar who has been very generous with his time and talent. He even came into Second Life as a vampire!

Farba Kingdom
Elizaveta and Daniel Farba - a husband and wife team who perform as the band Farba Kingdom. Their dark-wave music continues to explore and expand our emotional understanding of the war in Ukraine as it unfolds.

Jospeh Harmon
Committed, prolific, and incredibly talented, Joseph is the singer and songwriter who created ECHOS - Song for Ukraine and the driving force behind Indago Child.
Lexus Melody
If there is one thing I have learned about Lexus it’s that she wields her music skills like a surgeon. By that I mean she sees and cares with a kind of brutal honesty that cuts through any tendency to write or sing about fluff.

Elizabeth Leonard
Elizabeth is a progressive activist, Civil War historian, author, obsessive knittter, and mom. Also a mighty fine singer songwriter.

Dennis Mac Namara
Dennis Mac Namara (alias Denny Mac to his virtual world friends), is a talented singer, songwriter, and purveyor of great songs. He's lent his music and voice in support of our work many times - helping keep love and hope alive for the people of Ukraine.

Linda Sussman
LINDA SUSSMAN is a New York-based artist (solo/band) and award-winning songwriter whose music embraces folk, alternative-folk and blues and whose songs span universal themes such as love, heartache, triumphs and social justice.

John Vaughan
John sent us a lovely song entitled, "Blue and Yellow," with a short note saying, "Blue and yellow are the colors of the Ukraine flag and the color of the future sky when Ukraine is free."

A gifted music producer and photographer who hails from Slovenia, Tomaz's song, "You Stay" was devastating and made us fans for life.

Richard is the Foundation President of Dom Przebudzen, a healing center in Poland, which his wife started before she died in 2018. Richard says, "I found my voice at 72. You’re never too old!”

One of our surprise submissions that turned out to be extraordinary. Olaf Rabe from Berlin joined forced with Xavier from Geneva produce this song.

Wes West
Wes's description of himself cracks me up because he is of course so much more. "I play my guitar and sing some songs now and then…Just an old guy with a guitar and a computer."

Tay - a musician who hails from Slovenia and is known for her sweet, soulful voice - says, “My love and passion for music were given to me in the cradle. I think I sang before I talked. My earliest memories are of singing all day, every day, everywhere I went.”

Royce Anderson
Royce sang his song, "Peace on Earth," for his family in Ukraine.

Grace Loudon
Grace describes herself as a real-world musician, SL Builder, SL buyer-of-hair, SL musician, self-proclaimed dork, and all-around nut. She also sings like an angel.
In Phemie’s music, I hear an echo of both her individual struggles with heartache and the sobering times in which we live.

Jacques Labouchere
Jacque's song, "Song for a Madman," was sent to us by his friend Hank Stone, so we don't know a lot about him. But boy the song sure packed a punch. Thank you Hank and Jacques for lending your voices.

Hodge Pop
A fabulous group that our own Grace Newton plays in. They have lent their voices and harmonies in support of Ukraine.

Patricia Bahia
We first heard from Patricia on Twitter where she shared one of her remarkable songs called, "Hold On." Given all that that was happening in Ukraine that day it was the perfect song to add to our post.

John Fedo
John describes himself simply as a singer and songwriter of folk and country music living in Moscow, PA. We wish he shared more, but his song, "Pull Out Putin," is terrific.

Yuliya Samulyak
Though Yuliya is not a musician herself, the music she shares in her classes and creates through dance is good for the body, mind, and spirit. She is very much part of the Song Flight community.

Robert Miller
Robert wrote to us to share a growing lists of songs he'd been collecting during the COVID pandemic, including a free recording of the Ukrainian national anthem that he hoped would lift our sports and let the Ukrainians know they were not alone.

Pavlo Rovenko
We love Pavlo’s voice and are naturally fascinated by his instrument - the Bandura.

Alex Kingston

Alan Sanders
Alan is a gifted musician who keeps reinventing himself and his music. His latest challenge has been the Song Flight theme song. Stay tuned for melodious updates.
Our Artists
Meet the amazing creative people behind Song Flight's illustrations, 3D virtual spaces, and written inspiration.

Tetiana Kopytova
Tetiana is a professional artist and book illustrator living in Kyiv, Ukraine. She has two passions: children’s illustration and painting horses.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Tetiana has been chronicling her experiences in a searing series of drawings and paintings.
Learn more by watching this video: https://vimeo.com/774465158

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Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

Service Name
Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.