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Song Flight

Why Virtual Space?


Virtual spaces in virtual worlds offer unique opportunities for people from around the world to gather safely to exchange ideas, attend events, and build communities. Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, residents of the virtual world of Second Life have been gathering for live music concerts to support Ukraine and educate others about what can be done to help. We call these gatherings, "Songs for Ukraine." Below is a video about Songs for Ukraine produced by Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life.


















The Song Flight virtual space includes a "Sea of Sunflowers."  Each flower was planted by a Song Flight supporter in honor of a child in their life. By creating a safe and easily accessible virtual space, we hope to give kids all over the world a place to connect, learn from, and share their stories with one another.  To learn how you can help in both worlds, visit

Sign Up to Stay in Touch

If you are a parent, teacher, social worker, counselor, or organization that works with and for children, please join our email list.

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Contact: Jena Ball
Phone: 919-454-9917


Copyright 2022 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.

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