Song Flight
Connecting kids around the
world through story and song

Help Us Help the Kids
We're creating Song Flight - a global initiative that uses stories, songs, and creative activities to connect Ukrainian kids with other children around the world.
The goal of Song Flight is to help children develop the emotional intelligence (EQ) they'll need to become kind, compassionate adults who don't start wars.
Your financial support and volunteer efforts will make it possible for us to hire a team of professionals who can bring Song Flight to children around the world. Visit the links below to learn how you can help:
a) Subscribe & join our community: patreon.com/songflight
c) Sponsor a child or class taking part in Song Flight: https://www.song-flight.com/launch-funding
d) Make a one-time donation of any amount: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=C4RDHFH93PW66
e) Volunteer: https://www.song-flight.com/general-6-5

We Launched!
WE'VE BEEN BUSY! Here's a list of what we've been up to.

Week 1 was amazing. Check out the video of our first meeting with the kids: https://songflight.substack.com/p/song-flight-week-1
On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 we began publishing the performances by the eight musicians taking part in the Valentine's Day concert, with photos of the sunflowers planted for the children https://songflight.substack.com/p/song-flight-week-1
On Tuesday, February 14, 2023 (Valentine's Day) we hosted a seven-hour live music concert to celebrate the children taking part in the pilot and planted 21 sunflowers (one for each child) in the virtual sea of sunflowers.
On Monday, February 13, 2023 the Song Flight pilot launched with 21 kids at the Josyf Cardinal Slipyj School in Toronto, Canada taking part.
We're In the News! The press release describing Song Flight and the upcoming pilot was published in both English and Ukrainian: https://www.ukrainianworldcongress.org/song-flight-to-pilot-its-initiative-for-displaced-ukrainian-children/
We published a Change.org petition describing the reasons for Song Flight and our overall view of what needs to change in the world for kids to grow into kind, capable adults https://www.change.org/SongFlight
On January 23, 2023 we published the "Singing Songs for Kids of Ukraine" album! The album has 14 original songs by musicians from The album around the world, including the new Song Flight theme song, "A World Full of Magic." Get your copy here: https://songflight.bandcamp.com/album/song-flight-singing-for-the-kids-of-ukraine
On January 15, 2023, we hosted a live, virtual world concert to celebrate the upcoming launch of the "Singing for the Kids of Ukraine" album. See the video here: https://youtu.be/ESjZsnxhefA
On January 5, 2023 we started creating and planting virtual sunflowers in the Sea of Sunflowers in Second Life. Seehttps://www.song-flight.com/virtual-sf for information on how to take part.
On December 14, 2022 we began blogging about our process and thoughts on Substack. The blog is a great place to start to learn more about the project and goals: https://songflight.substack.com
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Started a fundraising campaign on Patreon: patreon.com/songflight
Wrote the prologue to the Song Flight story, Into the Murmuration. Learn more and read the prologue here: https://www.song-flight.com/book
Created a video explaining how a "Flight" works. Watch it here: https://www.song-flight.com/general-8
Working with educators, artists, and musicians on the creative activities for the first Flight. To be introduced to our amazing collaborators, visit: https://www.song-flight.com/wall-of-gratitude
Presenting at conferences about Song Flight and its goals. Watch our presentation:
Creating a Sea of Sunflowers where contributors can plant a flower in honor of a child in their life: https://vimeo.com/764182684
Started building a network of like-minded supporters. Please join us by filling out the form below.