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"Think you exist only in physical reality? Think again."  - Jenaia


Meet Jenaia Morane, our virtual ambassador. Jenaia is both a spokesperson for the virtual component of the project and a guide for those wanting to become an avatar and explore virtual spaces. 

Jenaia has been living and working for more than 14 years on 3D immersive projects in the virtual world of Second Life. There, she and her team have created everything from interactive training environments and educational story quests to 3D prototypes for manufacturers. Below are links to some of the projects:

a. Songs 4 Ukraine :


Listen to the video produced by Draxtor Despres and Linden Labs about how Song 4 Ukraine is unfolding in virtual reality:

b. International Women's Day:

c. The Veteran Civilian Dialogues

d. The Uncle D Story Quest

e. The Uncle D Story Quest Trailer 

f. The 3D AIDS Quilt

g. Blog

Please visit The Braided Lives blog to read about Jenaia's adventures.

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