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About Savage Voices

IBelow is the poem that started it all.

Inspired by my  discovery of Nüshu, a secret written language used by women in southern China. Nüshu was created during a time when women were regarded as chattel. Expected to follow the Three Obediences - obey your father, obey your husband, obey your sons - their feet were routinely bound and their lives restricted to private, domestic settings.


Nüshu was written using special calligraphic characters that men couldn’t understand. It consisted of poems or songs written on paper-folded fans and handkerchiefs. Nüshu allowed women to share their stories with one another, offering encouragement and hope without fear of reprisal.


Inspired by the ingenuity and bravery of these women, I propose that the women of America start our own version of Nüshu entitled Savage Voices. Though our feet are not literally bound, we are facing an alarming number of attacks on our lives that seek to restrict our freedom. If you agree, check out the Suggestions page on this site, and let’s start making our Savage Voices heard!

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Savage Voices


"Living in the earth-deposits of our history” - Adrienne Rich


Savage, she says,
with hands pressed to her heart
and blood on her thighs,
is the iron core of loving
the fertile soil that wraps the seed in darkness,
feeding its sleeping purpose
with the Earth’s sweet sweat,
the warmth of sunlight,
and deposits made by those
who walked the Earth before you.

Savage, she says,
is knowing your presence was planned,
woven into the backstory sung by whales,
etched into the lifelines of your hands
and the soles of your feet,
knowing that every footfall
spins a thread into
the warp and weave
of our evolving story.

Savage, she says,
is beauty wedded to form and function,
the loose-limbed, measured pace
of the panther stalking her prey,
the bad-ass, sassy sway of a woman’s hips
as she declines to serve,
declines to stand aside,
and steps instead into balance,
into the center of her life,
into power.

Savage, she says,
is standing naked in the presence of stars
that plucked your white-hot splendor
from the hotbed of creation
and sent it shooting,
shimmering, streaming
into the dreams of daughters
waiting to be born,
waiting to be reminded
that the Light of their savage mothers
flows through their veins.


Copyright 2024 by Jena Ball. All Rights Reserved.

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